People think they know the south. But there’s magic here - a cosmopolitan sort of flair - thick as the marsh-ripe air, Poetic, and gritty, and haunted, and true.
Why are we so good at celebrating Irish pride? Just like everything else in our beautiful city, it boils down to centuries of elaborate history!
We’ve compiled just a small sampling of some of the most iconic species that can be spotted in Savannah and surrounding areas- happy bird watching!
Whether you like to bask in the sunlight on the sands of a quiet, hidden gem or party it up with music and beachside bars, this list will have something for you!
A list of booze-less and booze-optional activities so you only have to worry about booking the greatest party plans ever!
We’ve compiled a list of the most picturesque and romantic venues in Savannah to inspire you in your wedding planning!
Savannah is a city where the past is never truly past - where the veil between the living and the dead feels tantalizingly thin.
It’s this thrill that makes a Genteel & Bard ghost tour so unforgettable. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, there’s something undeniably exhilarating about standing in a place known for its hauntings, under the cover of night, with only the dim light of the street lamps and the stories of your host to keep you company.
For decades, ghost tours have been a staple of the Savannah experience, offering visitors a chance to explore the city’s haunted history. But like the city itself, ghost tours in Savannah have evolved over time, growing from simple storytelling sessions into sophisticated, immersive experiences that cater to the discerning traveler.
Perhaps it was the fact that the house never stayed in one person’s belonging for very long, or perhaps it’s simply the vast amount of history the home has witnessed, but today it’s considered one of the most actively haunted houses in Savannah.
While many may perceive this place as a wonderful place to rest, those buried here seem to be quite active despite the loss of their physical bodies.
Many who visit the home are reluctant to leave, drawn in by its Victorian charm. What is even more peculiar, however, is that many of the people who lived in the home felt the same way-and they never left.
Considering how beautiful and charming this Victorian home is, it’s no surprise that all who enter it immediately feel welcomed and safe. It’s also no wonder that many of the people in the Low family chose to carry out their afterlife within the walls of the home.
This wasn’t the burial place of tin men, heartless and void of story. The ones who lay here, possessed singing voices once, running feet, and lips made for kissing.
Some people want to stay far away from Savannah’s ghosts and spirits, and others want to get right in the middle of serious paranormal activity! For those of you who are brave enough to sleep with spirits, these haunted hotels and inns are for you.
You’d grab your shovel, run as fast as you could toward the sound. Someone was alive, and the bell, (tied to a rope and snaked through the soft ground of a grave - wrapped around the wrist of the dead) was ringing like crazy.
As the Gullah-Geechee culture grew in American plantations, so did the use of mojo bags. Rootworkers in both plantations and freed black communities created these bags for others in their time of need.
If you’ve explored any amount of southern Black history; you may have come across the name “Gullah Jack”. He is spoken of both highly and carefully, as he was a man of great spiritual power.
This style utilizes isolated panels and tablets, along with friezes to promote a flatter and cleaner exterior. Despite the lack of usage in pilasters, the intricate details of the panels manage to display a classy and timeless elegance.
The Telfair Academy in Savannah, Georgia was the first public art museum in the Southern United States. It was officially opened in 1886, and continues to operate as a museum today.
Originally inhabited by numerous Muskogean nations for thousands of years, the name of this island means “Sharp Feather”
Sapelo Island holds many mysteries that leave scholars and archaeologists scratching their heads-the biggest mystery being the grandiose shell rings that dot the island’s northwestern coast.
Today, we honor Savannah’s 22 squares. Having been around since the city was founded in Oglethorpe’s plan, the squares in our city have long been a place of community and togetherness.
This drink, referred to as “Black Drink” or “Big Medicine”, was used not only as a source of energy for indigenous warriors, but as a purifying agent for ceremonies. It was also served at inter-tribal meetings, as it was considered the ultimate sign of hospitality.
While many know of a vast history within this pink mansion, many do not realize the true expanse of the events these walls have witnessed, nor how many faces the Olde Pink House has worn over the centuries.
With President George Washington’s blessing, the first cornerstone of the synagogue was laid in 1876, before being consecrated in April of 1878. The oldest Torah to ever cross the ocean was brought to this synagogue, where it still resides today.
by G&B Contributor, Avery Ross, of Muscogee Creek Nation
One of the most sincere core values throughout all of the indigenous cultures is using the Creator’s gifts to connect us as people, and to connect us to the spirit world. There are four sacred medicines that were given to us to aid in spiritual, mental, physical, and familial wellbeing.
General Sherman and his troops marched into Savannah on December 21, 1864. They walked over the Savannah River by way of a makeshift pontoon. Upon reaching the city, they were greeted by a telegraph from Savannah Mayor Richard Dennis Arnold.
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we’ve got a treat coming your way! We’re excited to share Our New Book!
We’re the husband and wife team behind Genteel & Bard.
Our manifesto? The world is full of beauty - why not choose a beautiful life?

Savannah, Georgia is a beautiful and charming city, full of history and culture. Considering how sultry summers can get in Savannah, there's no better way to cool off than with a refreshing cocktail. From classic drinks to creative concoctions, here are some of the best summer cocktails the Hostess City has to offer and where to find them!